
      If you’re looking for landscaping ideas that are grass-free, there are multiple different styles to choose from! The hardest part could simply be choosing which style best suits your specific wants and overall style and aesthetic you’re hoping for. While grass yards tend to be the most common amongst the PNW, as more people start to reach for more eco-friendly and drought-tolerant landscaping, these grass-free alternatives are becoming more and more popular!

      Popular Grass-Free Landscaping Styles


      Hardscaping is a very popular landscaping solution for those who are seeking a low maintenance and drought-tolerant landscaping option for their homes. Hardscaping can range widely and encompasses landscaping that includes non-plant materials. Think of bricks, gravel “rivers”, concrete walkways, pavers, stones, etc. The key to having a great looking hardscape it to incorporate these non-plant materials with simple landscaping such as trees and shrubs to help soften the more “industrial” look of hardscape.

      Native Plants

      Each area has its own set of native plants that are specifically designed for the climate. Native plants thrive on the area’s natural conditions and often require minimal water and maintenance.

      Trees and Shrubs

      The PNW is a great place to plant trees and shrubs! Many native trees are “evergreen” meaning they stay green and lush all year long which enhances your curb appeal regardless of the season or temperature and still adds a touch of “green” to your yard even with it being grass-free. Other trees may provide a great boost of color during Spring and Summer months with seasonal flowers, or you could opt for trees with large canopies to provide shade to your yard. The sky is the limit when it comes to planting different trees and shrubs throughout your landscaping. Make sure to discuss the growth rate and needed space with your landscaper to ensure that the trees will continue to fit within your space for years to come.

      Ground Cover

      If you aren’t planning on having heave foot-traffic on your landscaping, then ground cover is a great grass-free alternative to consider! There are a multitude of different ground coverings available, from clover lawns, to mosses, creeping thyme, and more, you’re sure to find a ground cover that suits your outdoor space and helps create an inviting atmosphere while boosting your curb appeal.

      Decks and Patios

      What many people fail to realize is that decks and patios are a huge part of your landscaping. By adding a well-designed deck or patio you can extend your living space into the outdoors and create an indoor/outdoor living environment. This also helps minimize the amount of landscaped space, leading to less maintenance and lower watering costs.

      Water Features

      Water features are wildly popular within landscaping as they provide a tranquil retreat and soothing sounds. Your water feature could be a simple fountain with trickling water, and elegant koi pond, or even a bird bath! What many feel the “key” to any water feature is, is simply being able to hear the trickle of the water as it creates a soothing and relaxing ambiance within the landscape.

      Regardless of what landscaping style you choose to go with when incorporating grass-free landscaping, make sure you work with an experienced landscaper who can help show you the overall layout and design of your desired landscape to ensure that your vision and their align. A virtual layout is a great way to ensure that your vision is brought to life and allows you to alter and change your landscaping ideas prior to beginning the actual planting and groundwork. Whether you’re planning on incorporating hardscape into your yard for minimal maintenance, or you’re hoping to plant some trees for the perfect shady spot to picnic with a good book, our team of professional landscapers are here to help! Contact our office today to start your own grass-free lawn transformation!