      3 Tips on Adding a Window Garden to Your Home

      3 Tips on Adding a Window Garden to Your Home

      Window gardens have become wildly popular and regardless of a small yard or no yard, you too can find ways to plant, grow and sustain your own garden right from your kitchen or living room window. Even if you have a condominium, container gardens can be a beautiful...
      Shearing, Pruning and Lollipop Shaped Trees

      Shearing, Pruning and Lollipop Shaped Trees

      You know what I mean… Those lollipop-shaped bushes and trees where it has a one stock going up from the ground and then a lollipop on top. While you might like it, it’s actually bad for the tree or the bush. Believe it or not, there is a right and a wrong...
      Plants that are Harmful to Pets

      Plants that are Harmful to Pets

      Harmful Plants – One of the worst feelings is to have your dog or cat or any other domesticated animal sick or maybe even died because of something we’ve purposely planted in our backyard. There are a lot of plants, trees, and shrubs that are toxic and...
      5 Reasons Landscape Fabric is a Bad Idea

      5 Reasons Landscape Fabric is a Bad Idea

      Landscape fabric. Literally the bane of my existence. Once you get started with that, it’s almost impossible to get rid of. I know a lot of homeowners have used landscape fabric to cut down on gardening maintenance tasks such as weeding but in no landscape...