
      Gardening definitely has its fair share of difficulties, so every once in a while it’s nice to rely on flowers that thrive with minimal time and effort. Adding flowers to a garden offers a multitude of benefits that extend beyond their sheer beauty. They attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, promoting biodiversity and ensuring the reproduction of various plant species, creating your own little eco system in your own backyard. Their vibrant colors and delightful fragrances enhance the overall aesthetics of the garden, creating a tranquil and inviting space for relaxation as well as a great backdrop for entertaining guest. While there are flowers that require ample upkeep and care, there are also beautiful options that require minimal maintenance and upkeep.

      Flowers with Little to No Maintenance


      With more than 250 varieties, you’re bound to find a cultivar that’s suited to your space. The extensive range of sizes and colors available makes this plant one of the most popular late-season bloomers.


      This summer bloomer is cherished for its reliability. And with thousands of cultivars out there, gardeners have almost limitless options. Though individual blossoms last just a day, many hybrids flower repeatedly all season long.


      Yarrow produces long-lasting, easy to grow flowers that come into their own once the weather is consistently warm. Suited to most growing conditions, yarrow provides a long season of blooms all the way into fall.


      You’ll notice that this plant’s flower heads are made up of little star-shaped blooms. Since the plants range from 3 inches to 3 feet high, some species work well as ground covers, while others make excellent border plants.


      Its sweet honey nature has made coneflower a garden staple. Growing about 2 to 4 feet high and 2 feet wide, this colorful bloomer is the perfect companion plant in just about any garden, and tolerates drought. Give it well-draining soil and watch it thrive in full sun as well as partial shade.


      The ultimate low-care shade plant, hosta cultivars come with endless varieties of leaf shapes, patterns, textures and colors. Easily divided, hosta is perfect for the budget-minded. It forms a dense, leafy clump, with blossoms rising up to 3 feet above the foliage. Some hostas tolerate sun, but partial shade produces the most handsome, longest-lasting foliage.

      Bee Balm

      This unusual beauty grows up to 4 feet tall and starts flowering in midsummer, inviting hummingbirds, butterflies and bees to your backyard. Plants come with pink, red, white or purple blooms and reseed readily.


      This colorful bloomer is best known for the whiskered “faces” that mark many of the flowers. The majority of pansy varieties are annuals, though some live longer. Most perform best in cooler weather, so in warm climates, some cultivars are grown as winter annuals.


      A peony’s fresh, heady scent simply can’t be beat. In late spring, bushy plants burst with lush, showy purple, white, red, yellow or pink blooms that make this flower a favorite choice to use in colorful beds and bouquets. Hundreds of peony hybrids are available.


      There’s something about a sunflower’s bright face that makes you feel good. These easy flowers to grow range from red to yellow to white.

      Growing flowers from seeds is simpler than you might imagine. Opting for flowers that readily sprout from seeds ensures that it won’t demand an excessive amount of your time or careful care to nurture the sprouts and support growth. Your main challenge might be restraining yourself from sowing more seeds than your available space allows, so make sure not to get heavy handed when it comes time to plant!

      If you’re ready to make the backyard of your dreams, need help with yard maintenance and upkeep, or are looking at re-doing your yard completely, contact our team of experts, we are here to help make all of your outdoor space dreams a reality.