
      When it comes to enjoying your outdoor space one of the last things on your mind is likely squirrel management. Squirrels, while cute and fluffy, can be quite the pests when it comes to maintaining a beautiful outdoor space. From munching on your vegetable garden to leaving squirrel dropping, burrowing in your landscape, and ultimately terrorizing your yard while causing damage. Attracting squirrels seems rather easy, however, trying to get rid of them is often a problem that might require the help of a professional. Before you call in the big guns, try a few of these tips to help with squirrel management in your yard.

      Tips to Help with Squirrel Management

      Eliminate Food Sources

      It’s no secret that squirrels are food driven creatures hoping to stockpile enough to get through the coming winter months. Because of this, if your yard has a food source, squirrels will likely be drawn to the area. Try eliminating any food sources the squirrels may find by cleaning up fallen nuts and acorns, and if your yard has berries, try to cover them with some sort of netting so the squirrels can’t access the fruits. This same technique should be used for gardens especially if you’ve started planting a winter garden, make sure any produce is covered and protected from becoming a feast for the squirrels around your yard.

      Employ Predators

      Your best line of defense for squirrel management might already call your house home. Try letting dogs outdoors frequently to chase away the squirrels. Eventually they will feel as if the space isn’t safe for them to try and gather food or call home. If you don’t have dogs, other predators such as hawks and owls can help deter squirrels from your yard. Place fake owls or hawks throughout your outdoor space.

      Use Offensive Scents

      Squirrels, much like deer, are sensitive to many scents which is an easy way to try and repel them. Try using deer repellent sprays to keep squirrels out of your yard, or for a more natural approach, sprinkle coffee grounds throughout your yard or try brushing out your dog and putting some of the hair around plants. The coffee grounds, while an aroma many humans enjoy, help repel squirrels, much like the scent of dogs. Other scents include Irish springs soap, dryer sheets, garlic and even cinnamon.

      Choose Your Plants Wisely

      Another natural way you can try to repel squirrels from your yard is simply by being knowledgeable about the plants within your landscape. While certain plants attract different bugs, pests, etc. others might help repel them. Good options for squirrel management include peppermint, rosemary and spearmint, if planting rosemary, make sure you have ample space as it tends to become invasive and take over your garden quickly.

      Squirrel management might seem impossible, but with a little planning and persistence it is possible to keep the furry pests out of your outdoor space. If you’re looking to transform your outdoor area while incorporating plants and features that might help with squirrel management, contact our team of professional landscapers today!