by Kelly Fruit | Dec 29, 2021 | Pacific Northwest
As I sit here writing this, there is still quite a bit of snow and ice on the ground. Typically, in the Pacific Northwest, we might get a day or two of snow somewhere within the winter months but any longer than that and it’s quite rare. So, for temperatures to...
by Kelly Fruit | Dec 6, 2021 | Maintenance
While we all love the beauty of lush landscape, there’s a downside to the time entailed in managing weeds. Here are some pro tips to reduce, manage and eliminate this tedious time waster. Mulching Not only does mulch assist in keeping moisture in the ground to help... by Kelly Fruit | Nov 22, 2021 | Pacific Northwest
What Can Kill Trees in the Pacific Northwest? Home and business owners love sprucing up their landscape by adding new shrubs and trees, but it doesn’t always end in a beautiful sight. Sometimes a tree just doesn’t seem to be doing well and it can be hard to determine...
by Kelly Fruit | Nov 15, 2021 | Maintenance
Is My Tree Dying? When you have a tree that isn’t doing well, it is normal to want to wait to remove it until you know whether it’s dead or could possibly pull through. Here are some tips to determine whether a tree could recover or if it’s time to say goodbye to your...
by Kelly Fruit | Nov 9, 2021 | Maintenance
Many trees, shrubs and plants are dormant in the winter when temperatures drop, the sun appears less frequently, and windy, extreme conditions settle in. However, even though they’re dormant, this doesn’t mean they won’t need some extra care. How To Protect Your Trees...