
      5 Essential Fall Lawn Care Tips

      Many homeowners feel that now that it is fall, it's time to take your hands off the lawn and let it do its thing. No need to tend, mow, or care for the lawn as its fall, and that means everything dies and get soggy and muddy, right? Not necessarily. In late August,...

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      What is a French Drain and How Do They Work?

      What is a French Drain and How Do They Work?

      A French drain, sometimes referred to as a trench drain, although they are different, are perfect for a soggy yard or wet basement. Water naturally flows downhill and usually by the easiest route possible. A French drain is a slightly sloped trench filled with round...

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      6 Tasks to Prepare Your Landscaping for Winter

      6 Tasks to Prepare Your Landscaping for Winter

      Have you ever thought about what it takes to care for your lawn in time for the winter season? While it’s more natural to focus on caring for your landscape during spring and summertime, it is just as important to keep it healthy during the wintertime. If you live in...

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      5 November Garden and Landscape Maintenance

      5 November Garden and Landscape Maintenance

      Well, summer is definitely over and we have fallen headlong into fall. It seems that just yesterday was our last sunny day for quite some time and now we have typical Pacific Northwest fall weather. But, that doesn't mean the landscaping has to be put on hold. There's...

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      Is Landscape Staging a Thing?

      Is Landscape Staging a Thing?

      They make stagers for the inside of the home but do they make landscape stagers for outside? Is landscape staging actually a thing? While most people know the importance of curb appeal would listing their property, many homeowners are stuck doing the job themselves....

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      10 Great Ideas for Fall Landscaping

      10 Great Ideas for Fall Landscaping

      Fall landscaping can be a little drab… Let's be honest. Now is not the time to have the most amazing backyard or front yard. But with a little bit of care, research, and the right landscaper… Hint, hint, fall landscaping might be your new favorite. Now is the time...

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      When Should I Have an Irrigation Blowout?

      When Should I Have an Irrigation Blowout?

      Irrigation blowout… What is it, when should I have it done, and can I do it myself? These are all common questions homeowners have with an irrigation system or drip irrigation system. So let's tackle each one of these questions separately. What is an irrigation...

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      10 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Landscaper

      10 Questions to Ask When Hiring a Landscaper

      Finding the right landscaper does take a little bit of research. I've worked in the Pacific Northwest area and specifically around Mukilteo, Edmonds, Lynnwood, and parts of King County and Snohomish County for several years now. I love landscaping, dirt, plants, and...

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      3 Tips on Adding a Window Garden to Your Home

      3 Tips on Adding a Window Garden to Your Home

      Window gardens have become wildly popular and regardless of a small yard or no yard, you too can find ways to plant, grow and sustain your own garden right from your kitchen or living room window. Even if you have a condominium, container gardens can be a beautiful...

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      Shearing, Pruning and Lollipop Shaped Trees

      Shearing, Pruning and Lollipop Shaped Trees

      You know what I mean… Those lollipop-shaped bushes and trees where it has a one stock going up from the ground and then a lollipop on top. While you might like it, it's actually bad for the tree or the bush. Believe it or not, there is a right and a wrong way to share...

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      Plants that are Harmful to Pets

      Plants that are Harmful to Pets

      Harmful Plants - One of the worst feelings is to have your dog or cat or any other domesticated animal sick or maybe even died because of something we've purposely planted in our backyard. There are a lot of plants, trees, and shrubs that are toxic and hazardous to...

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      5 Reasons Landscape Fabric is a Bad Idea

      5 Reasons Landscape Fabric is a Bad Idea

      Landscape fabric. Literally the bane of my existence. Once you get started with that, it's almost impossible to get rid of. I know a lot of homeowners have used landscape fabric to cut down on gardening maintenance tasks such as weeding but in no landscape fabric is...

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      How to Care for Pampas Grass

      How to Care for Pampas Grass

      Pampas grass, also known as the Cortaderia Selloana, is a delight to behold in your gardens. It brings a great level of dynamism and freshness to the surrounding environment.  The grass has been known to spread all over the perimeter of its environs once it has fully...

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      The Best Foundation for Hardscapes

      The Best Foundation for Hardscapes

      Pea gravel, river rock, stones, gravel, recycled rubber, and recycled glass can all be used with loose material hardscaping. The base foundation is the key to a long-lasting hardscape. Here is some information on the best foundation for hardscapes. If you start off...

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      6 Benefits of Drip Irrigation

      6 Benefits of Drip Irrigation

      Drip irrigation is definitely something I am a huge proponent of. Your landscaping, garden, and lawn can definitely benefit from drip irrigation but what is it and what are the benefits? What is drip irrigation? Drip irrigation is a type of micro-irrigation that can...

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      July Lawn and Garden Maintenance Tasks

      July Lawn and Garden Maintenance Tasks

      Can you believe it's July already? It seems like we really haven't had too much of the summer but with a few days of sun and then lots of rain means that your yard is probably growing a little out of control. We haven't really hit dry days yet so most people's lawns...

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      How to Deadhead Plants for Blooms All Season

      How to Deadhead Plants for Blooms All Season

      The idea behind deadheading is fairly simple. Once a flower has finished blooming it puts its energy into going to seed to regenerate blooms for next year. But if you catch it ahead of time, you can keep those blooms going rather than allowing the plant to force its...

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      June Yard and Garden Maintenance

      June Yard and Garden Maintenance

      Well, it's June and you are probably doing a lot more gardening and landscaping outside then you did just a couple of months ago. Most of the area is now lush and green, especially with as much sun and rain we've received over the last month. June marks the official...

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      How to Have an Organic Garden in 8 Easy Steps

      How to Have an Organic Garden in 8 Easy Steps

      You probably know that the amount of pesticides and insecticides that are on grocery store produce is not healthy for us so you might be considering growing your own vegetables and fruits, or just have a backyard garden of flowers sets not covered in chemicals. If you...

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      Container Gardens and Installations

      Container gardens are ideal for those that live in condominiums and apartments but they're certainly not limited to this type of property. Container gardening has become a big thing regardless of how much space you really have. These beautiful pots and containers can...

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      How to Have a Wildflower Lawn

      How to Have a Wildflower Lawn

      Wildflower lawns are not new but they are becoming more popular across the Pacific Northwest. Easy to grow wildflowers makes an excellent lawn alternative. Wildflowers are low maintenance, they need little supplemental water once they are established, and you actually...

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      3 Steps to Lawn Renovation

      3 Steps to Lawn Renovation

      Now is a great time to consider lawn renovation. The spring weather is perfect for regrowing a lawn or restoring it to its former glory. Perhaps it's been overrun with weeds and you're struggling to keep up with it. If you'd like to scrap it all and do over, May and...

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      How to Care for a Newly Seeded Lawn

      How to Care for a Newly Seeded Lawn

      Whether you are reseeding your lawn or laying a brand new yard, the basics of lawn care is about the same. We want to make sure it's the right time so now is the perfect time of year to consider giving your lawn a fresh reseeding or boost. If you're planning on...

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      5 Things to Look For When Hiring a Landscaper

      5 Things to Look For When Hiring a Landscaper

      Landscapers are everywhere and you'll find people that can do landscaping dirt cheap… No pun intended, to those that are extremely expensive. But, landscaping and choosing a landscaper is more than simply picking someone out of the phone book (what's that?) Or the...

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